4th International Butterfly Conference:
Nature Built Environment
Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve celebrates its 20th anniversary. Following the earlier anniversary celebration held in Lam Tsuen, the 4th International Conference on Butterfly Ecology and Conservation will be held by our organization on June 22nd. We have been dedicated to conservation efforts, aiming to provide better habitats for butterflies and other species. Furthermore, we frequently exchange knowledge and maintain contacts with scholars from different regions, hoping to gather valuable experiences and enrich the biodiversity in Hong Kong. Over the past twenty years, we have established a butterfly conservation-friendly network with Europe and various Asian countries.
To celebrate the 20th anniversary and promote butterfly conservation messages to the public, our organization will once again hold the International Conference on Butterfly Ecology and Conservation. The theme of this conference will focus on "Nature Build Environment Point-Line-Surface" Our organization has been actively constructing ecological butterfly gardens in communities, with the hope of connecting different ecological points to form lines and eventually create a surface covering Hong Kong. We also aim to expand this concept to different regions. Therefore, scholars from Hong Kong, mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, and the United Kingdom are invited to share their experiences in butterfly conservation and research on this significant topic. We welcome individuals from all walks of life who are interested in nature and butterfly conservation to participate.
Date: June 22, 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 14:00-18:00 HKT (GMT+8)
Registration time: 13:30 HKT (GMT+8)
Language: English / Mandarin / Cantonese
Venue: LKC LT1, Li Koon Chun Hall, 3/F Sino Building, Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Fee: Free (Registration required, limited seats available, first-come first-served basis)
Registration Deadline: June 20, 2024 (Thursday)
*To register, please fill out the form below and submit a $100 deposit in the form of a check payable to "Environmental Association Ltd." The check should be sent to 150 Fung Yuen Village, Ting Kok Road, Tai Po, Hong Kong, with your name and the event name indicated. The deposit will be refunded on the day of the conference.
*After completing the form, the results will be notified via email on or before June 22, 2024.
Officiating Guests

Mr. WU Chia Chun, Desmond
Prin AS for Env & Ecology (Nature Conservation), Environmental and Ecology Bureau, HKSARG
Language: English

Mr CHAN Kin Fung, Simon
Assistant Director (Conservation), Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, HKSARG
Language: English

Dr YAU Wing Kwong, JP
Chief Executive Officer, Environmental Association
Language: English
Keynote Speakers (Research)

Professor, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong
Topic:Migration Mysteries and Global Change: Lessons from Hong Kong Danaid Butterflies
Webpage about Dr Bonebrake::web.hku.hk/~tbone

Dr CHAN Chia Lung
PhD, Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, National Taiwan University
Topic:Lost Butterfly
Language : Mandarin
Viceo clip about Dr Chan: www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEQGEUZi1M0

Associate Professor of Migration Ecology,
Director of Global Engagement for CEC,
Centre for Ecology and Conservation,
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy,
University of Exeter
Topic:Recent Progress in Understanding Migrations of the Painted Lady
(zoom) Language : English
Webpage about Dr Jason:bit.ly/3QMb9EN

Prof HUI Ho Lam Jerome
Professor, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Topic:Lepidopteran Genomics and Conservation
Language : English
Webpage about Prof Hui:bit.ly/3iNlrm5

Vice-president, The Chestnut Tiger Butterfly Group
Topic:A Network of Eupatorium Gardens that Attract Chestnut Tiger Butterflies in Japan
Webpage about Mr Kanazawa:researchmap.jp/itaru.k

Daruma Club
Topic:A Network of Eupatorium Gardens that Attract Chestnut Tiger Butterflies in Japan
(zoom) Language : English
Webpage about Daruma Club :
Discussion Panel Session 1
Topic: Educational Efforts in Butterfly Conservation in the Regions

Mr PUN Sui Fai
Advisory Committee, Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve
Langague : Cantonese

Dr YAU Wing Kwong, JP
Chief Executive Officer, Environmental Association
Language: English
Keynote Speakers (Conservation)

Mr CHEN Jui Hsiang
Chairman, Taiwan Purple Crow Ecological Preservation Association
Webpage about :purplecrow.org.tw/

Mr PUN Sui Fai
Advisory Committee, Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve
Language : Cantonese

Shenzhen Park Service
Shenzhen Park Service
Language : Mandarin

Ms YOU Yun
Founder and Chairman, You Yun Ecological Education Studio
Webpage about :youyuneducation.com/aboutus.html
Discussion Panel Session 2

Chinese Christian Churches Union Logos Academy

Chong Gene Hang College
1. 建造工程時間
2. 簡介蝴蝶園植物
3. 未來計劃(STEAM)

Yuen Long Long Ping Estate Tung Koon Primary School
屋邨學校建設蝴蝶 - 成效、維持、困難與發展