Management Agreement Program

The 42 hectares of land in Fung Yuen has been listed as a “Site of Special Scientific Interest” (SSSI) since 1980.
The government launched the new Nature Conservation Policy in 2005 to enhance conservation on private land with important ecological values, through partnership with landowners and non-governmental organizations to better achieve the nature conservation objectives.
In November 2005, Environmental Association was funded by the Environment and Conservation Fund, to initiate a “Pilot Scheme of Management Agreements Project on the Private Land with High Conservation Value at Fung Yuen Valley Site of Special Scientific Interest” for the duration of two years, and the project has continued to be carried out since February 2008. Until 2021, Management Agreements Scheme is now supported by the Countryside Conservation Funding Scheme, including:
Habitats and species monitoring and management
Sustainable community development and
To conduct butterfly surveys, flora and fauna surveys and studies with colleges and professional bodies in the conservation area and its surrounding areas
To raise public awareness of butterfly conservation
Fung Yuen Culture and Nature Guided Tour are provided for schools and interested groups.